12 Jun 2012

Graffiti urging revolution in order to promote "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes"

As we all know, UK likes to stand up from the crowd and do things its way. An illustration of this fact is that the campaign for "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a very different one, as it is more similar to an attempt of revolution than to an advertising campaign.

The advertisers have designed some graffiti displaying the evolution of primates or the transformation of evolution into revolution (which is actually the slogan of the primates getting rebel in the film).
If the trailer reveals images of a fictional world that approaches concepts such as "freedom", "power", "revolution" in the current context of the United Kingdom, the ads come as a reflection of reality. The conflicts the English press called "riots", which were followed by "robberies," were somehow anticipated by the movie that was about to launch, which led to the association of this campaign with a guerilla marketing attempt.

The graffitis have a lot of strengths: they have strong, bold colours, a relevant call to action, they are large enough not to be overlooked and also a very good implementation that allowed them to fit perfectly in context. And not only politically speaking.
When asked about the implementation of the concept by Creative Review, Bruce McClure (Beatwax) made this statement: "In any revolution, the first signs of the anxiety of the citizens appear as slogans and graffiti on the streets – the writing is literally on the wall".

Andra Androniciuc

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